Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Torrey Pines Races.

Well it turned out to be a great weekend and we got some good racing in. Kraig won the event and Zippy was second and I was third. We all had a great time down there and a special thanks to for putting on the event and giving out prize money. For more pics check out Jamies Pics On sunday we did some aerobatics to keep the crowds happy and we all did some formation racing on the last day which was awesome fun. Since Kraig beat us all we decided to put him on the litesport and race him along the ridge and we all struggled to keep up with him on several races. It was amazing to see how well that glider was going at high speeds. Here is a pic of me Buzzing someone..:-)photo by Alex Cuddy.
Friday, May 22, 2009

Torrey Pines

Here is a quick video from our latest days of flying at Torrye pines. Unfortunately it has been real light winds which is not ideal for this place.
Monday, May 18, 2009

Flying in LA at Kagel.

Kraig and I went to kagel to pick up some gliders and to have a day of flying with the crew. My uncle Tim also cam along for the journey to drive for us and to fly his model planes. It was a crowded carpark when we arrived we chatted and met the crew before heading up the hill. We decided on flying a different site called Towers which has a sealed road to the top unlike Kagel. It was a full Moyes Boys set up area all flying Litespeeds apart from Andy who was test flying the Litesport for his birthday flight. Andy reaching for the clouds on his B day. Chris was first to launch and did not make it look good as there was a strong inversion at about 3200ft. This was below launch height so we were in for a struggle. Below is the video that I made for the day.
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wylie Moyes Needs Your Votes.

Wylie is the son of Steve Moyes and has turned his passion to surfing. He works in the Sail loft and makes most of your Moyes gliders so if you want to get a nice new glider I would suggest that you take 30 seconds and vote for him.. He is trying to win a comp to get trained by professionals, so help him out.. Just click stab up on top right of screen.. Also check out his video he is getting good..:-) CLICK HERE TO VOTE
Monday, May 11, 2009

Keep Jonny Flying and Filming.

Well after 1 and half years of filming with my Cannon SD 870 it is finally wearing out. I bought this camera so that I could have something small and easy to use in the air so that I could bring the latest films to you eyes. If you feel that you have gained knowlede or simply just enjoyed the video's and would like to donate some smalls funds back it would be greatly appreciated. This is an expensive sport and with help from many people I would not be able to produce these video's from all around the world for you. Any donations wouldbe greatly appreciated as I am now about to head off to Europe for the Spanish Nationals, The World Championships and the Pre European's. Below is where you can send money tooo.. Many thanks to my already sponsor's MOYES,RED BULL,FLYTEC,BLUE EYE,NOMIS,SENSAIR.
Many many thanks.. Jonny durand.

Double Towing

This morning we went up to do some Photos and Videos. We did not have enough tugs so we had to do a double tow. Jeff shapiro and I decided on doing the double tow while Dustin and OB towed solo. I had to foot launch uphill into a very light wind while Jeff launched from the dolly.Once in the air it was so easy and we did lots of crossing from side to side on our 20 minutes tow. We released and began making movie magic.. here are some photo's. Jeff O, brien.

Dustin, Jeff and I. Jeff Shapiro and I under double tow with Bobby filming.

Here is a short video of the flight

Flytec Race and Rally Day 7

The Final day of the Rally saw a 144kms out and return task. I was last to launch and broke my 6 month old weaklink and had to retow. I knew then that I was going to have a great day. I was up at base for the 1st start and only a few people went on course. I waited for the second one and headed off with the biggest gaggle I have seen all comp. We hit the first thermal and I let them head out on course before turning around for the 3rd start. I had not as good as start as the 1st attempt but hit 3 good thermals and before I knew it I was caught up to the main gaggle with only Dustin and carl in front. I was leading out and we hit a big blue hole about 30kms before the turnpoint. I stepped lightly but we started to get some good thermals one even was a 900fpm climb. I saw Dustin in this thermal which was only 3kms from the turnpoint so he was 6kms in front. I quickly raced off with OB following me and headed back on course line towards goal. We had some 4-500fpm climbs and then we did a long glide and got down to 1400ft. After some time the thermal kicked to a 5-600fpm climb and the rest of the gaggle came gliding in below us. we pushed on leaving at 4,000ft and glided across the lakes before hitting a light climb at 2,000ft. We had several low saves for the next 25kms drifting slowly towards goal on every climb.Jeff got down to 900ft and pulled out a 300fpm climb and we climbed out to 3,700ft. We hit one more thermal 8kms out from goal and then glided in. He beat me in by a few seconds but I had started 15 minutes later and was just so happy to be in goal and win the final day of the comp. Jeff flew really well and got up from low on many occasions and deserved his result. The flytec Rally was so much fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves throughtout the whole week. I am really looking forward to doing more of these events. I hope you all enjoyed the videos and I will do my best to keeo them coming as I compete around the world. Below is the last days video.

Flytec Race and Rally Day 6

Today was looking epic with nice clouds at 7,000ft a 123km out and return was set. I got up just in time for the 1st start which I did not really plan on taking, but realised that Dustin and many others were not in position and I was. So after contempating I decided to go I was with Jamie on the rigid so I thought maybe he could drag me along. We glided from cloudbase 7,200ft all the way to about 1,200ft in 7-800 fpm down before hitting some light lift. I saw Jamie circling just in front of me so I pushed on for him, knowing that I needed a good climb to stay in front. I went under him and got nothing, so I pushed on for a cloud over the swamp and had to turn back to make it to a landing. Minutes later I was on the ground and spent the rest of the day watching everyone fly over me. Below is todays very short Video..LOL
Friday, May 08, 2009

Flytec Race and Rally Day 5

Well we just woke up to the sound of thunder and there is a tornado watch out for our area. Im guessing that we wont be flying today and there is even talk about aborting the rally and heading back to quest to finish off the last 2 days. The weather further north is not great and looks like we would be following the storms, which would be mean no flying tomorrow either. Meeting is in 15 mins so we will find out what we are doing then. Below is a video from yesterday that I made of the pilots and what there thoughts were on the Flytec Race and Rally.
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Flytec Race and Rally Day 4

After raining most of the night we woke up to low cloud base and a clearing sky. The winds were not to strong to fly but were not in our favour for the task. We were taking off and heading for Americas today some 119kms away. We had use of the big airport just outside of town which was an absoulte delight as it was so big. The people were extremely friendly and it reminded me a lot of Big Spring texas. They had an airconditioned terminal with internet and all not to mention the best chocolate chip cookies. Launching all went well except for me who nearly locked out toward the hangars and ashphalt. I managed to get it back and hold on to the top of the tow where I found some broken lift. It was a hard day the lift was broken the clouds looked good but did not work. Quite a few pilots landed early in the start circle which almost claimed me at one point. Once on course things never really got much better and we scratched our way along in 15knt crosswinds. I was flying with Carl most of the day as Davis and Dustin got dropped off after the 2nd thermal and spent time staying in the air and going downwind. Carl and I never got to cloudbase after we left the airport and spent most of our time between 2-3000 ft agl. We eventually caught up with Zac,Glen and kevin who were out in front and we flew together for 1 thermal. Zac ended up landing and Glen and I went upwind more and found a thermal in the blue while Carl and Kevin went downwind and found another thermal. This turned out to be our last thermal well for me at least and I glided from the highest I had been all day (5000ft) all the way to the ground. I landed 17kms short of goal and Glen went more downwind and managed to beat me by 200 meters. I have now moved back up some spots and closed in on a big margin of points that I was behind.3 more days to go. For the latest RACE AND RALLY SCORES CLICK HERE Today's video.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Flytec Race and Rally Day 3

Today was going to be our longest task of 232kms with a 15mph crosswind. It was thought that we would all want to start early but conditions did not allow it as it was blue and weak lift early. I started high and on the first start at 12:30pm with most of the guys following me. I went more on course line and they all lost me straight away, as they went more downwind. I flew by myself seeing Cambell a few times on the rigid and much more on course line than the othes. Eventually Dustin caught up to me and we flew together for 2 thermals before I dropped him off low. I flew alone again all the way until the last thermal where Dustin came in tip to tip with me. We then did a final glide as the the weather had fully overdeveloped in front of us. Dustin went a little left on our final glider and hit some 50 up for awhile and pulled some height on me to make the extra 800metres. Day 3 Video.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Flytec Race and Rally Day 2

Today was looking like another brillant day with clouds early and a light cross tailwind to goal. We launched and climbed out and then without knowing it we made the biggest mistake of the day. we all waited for the start gates thining it was going to get even better than it already was. I ended up doing the last start at 2:15pm when I could have started 30 mins earlier with a slight dissadvantage. I raced off and was doing well,caught some of the gaggle that started at 2pm and flew with them only to find out that 40kms from goal the seebreeze had set in. I pushed on through lift t rying to get to the last cloud before the seebreeze where Carl was climbing but never got the thermal and had to scratch. The others went downwind away from goal and managed to get up high again to cloudbase which got them further. I spent the next 2 hrs difting back and forth to make another 8 kms.After 4 hrs of flying I ended up landing not far from John Travolta's airstrip 31kms short from goal. Here is today's video..
Monday, May 04, 2009

Flytec Race and Rally Day 1

With 30 pilots and a sky full of clouds and a south wind things were looking epic. It is amazing to think that 9 months ago a 205kms task was set for the first day of the rally. The conditions were a bit light early but once on course things came good and we were blessed with cloud streets to the horizon. I had a great start and was out in front pushing hard all day Cambell caught up to me on the rigid after about 60kms. We both got low and once we go back up Glen volk and Zac joined us. We flew together for the next 30kms and then I managed to get back on top and was pushing hard again. We had a big cloud street that we were following and when I got to the last of it I pushed on through a 400 up and got low. The others stopped behind me and climbed and after scratching back up I flew back headwind away from goal to get a better climb. Dustin went over the top of me and was following Glen and Zac who were about 5kms in front now. Dustin got low and hit a climb so I dove off for him and arived about 300 feet below him and missed the climb. I spent a long time trying to get back up with the 2 Jeff's. 2 more climbs then it was final glide into goal. I was with Jeff(OB) about 20kms out and we went different ways on final both had to stop and climb and we arrived at goal on the same second. It was a very beautiful way to finish such a great flight. 17 out of 26 pilots made the 205km goal. Today's video..

Florida Last day.

Well after 3 days of not flying early in the week, we sure have been blessed with great conditions. Below is a video of the day and sorry for the delay but we lost internet connections at the ridge. A picture whilst on final glide. Flying over the river before Goal.
Friday, May 01, 2009

Florida ridge task 3

The launch line Well with a similar forecast the task comittee set a 145kms task with 3 turnponts. The day was not as good as they thought and some pilots struggled to fly the course. I had a bad start and then just kept pushing all day trying to catch Andre who was leading for most of the course. I somehow managed to pass everyone before the last turnpoint but had to stop for a slow climb. I still thought Andre was in front of me so I was patient before heading off and gettting a strong 800 up. I then did final and made goal first doing the task in about 2hrs 30 mmins. About 10 or more flexwings made it to goal and a handful of rigids. Towing up on day 3 Todays Video I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it..