Sunday, April 30, 2006
Japan Nationals
Day 1
The weather prediction was looking somewhat promising with light winds and some clouds. As we reached the top of the mountain we could clearly see there was a strong inversion well below hill height that would need to break before anything was going to happen.
I was surprised to see so many pilots here for the comp I was beginning to think I was at a major international championship with around 80 kamikaze pilots. It is very difficult for me to understand much here so I am kind of in my own world, which sometimes is not to bad of a thing if you know what I mean. Noma explained the task to me in English, which was nice as there was no way I, would figure it out otherwise. We had a 60kms task with 4 turn points before returning back to the main landing field at the base of the mountain.
I launched about 20th and soon found a good climb and managed to dodge and weave my way through the gaggle and climb to the top just in time for the first start gate. We the nature of the task I was planning to do the 2nd start but my boss Toru San told me the best thing to do is to follow Koji diamond San as he would be the one to watch out for this comp.
Well I was in the right position for that at the start and he left just below me so I thought oh well I might as well go, it was a silky smooth glide as I think we were now above the inversion that had not quite broken on the flatlands. We glided almost 20kms to the first turn point before taking some weak lift and drifting into the sector. I left toward the 2nd turn point and found another shitty climb, at this point I was wishing that I had done the later start now as I knew it would not be difficult to catch up 15 minutes. Just before the 2nd turn point diamond san went back for some gliders turning but I pushed on and did the turn point and glided for the 3rd low.
I noticed a fire that had started a little of course but I thought it would be the best chance of breaking through the inversion. Well it got me a little higher than previous climbs and I was now able to connect back to the clouds and was rewarded with a 600 up to 2,200m. There were about 4 others just below me 10kms out from the 3rd turn point we glided all they way there in like convergence and I was pressing on through good lift hoping to pull away from the others. I rounded the 3rd and headed back for the last turn point hoping that I would not have to stop and thermal again. The last turn point was only 6kms from goal so final glide computer did not work until I reached the 4th turn point. As I rounded the turn point I looked at my numbers and I was +200ft on my numbers so I kept going soon I found out that there was a much stronger wind lower and my numbers were dropping fast. I was now approaching the city and was not going to make it over so I tried for a low save and that just drifted me downwind until eventually I gave up 20 feet off the ground.
Lucky for me the others were also there on final and did not make it either but that did not stop the latecomers from making goal. I believe there were nearly 25 pilots in goal with some very talented ones just short……
Friday, April 28, 2006
Windsports Flight School

Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Dalby Big Air

Japan by Air

After a 17-hour trip from Orlando to Japan I arrived somewhat tired and spaced out. I guess I was in my normal state then as some of you might think. I was met at the airport by Yushi san one of the instructors that teach at Wind sports hang gliding school. We made the 2-hour drive from the airport to Itajaki where the school is located just below the flying site.
It was very cold last night around 6-7 degrees when I went to bed, with 4 blankets and a kerosene lantern beside me I managed a good night sleep.
I woke up this morning and did not want to get out from the covers as it was still freezing cold so I dragged the computer over to my bed and did some emailing until it warmed up.
We went up the hill at 11 am to test fly my new glider, which is a smoke inlay L S 4.
It was not as cold as I expected on top of the hill but soon after takeoff when I climbed in a 4-500 up to 1200 m it was freezing again. Everyone else had bombed out and I was first to get up I flew around for a while enjoying the surroundings of Tokyo.
The landing field is not great depending on which way the wind is blowing as it is surrounded by very wet rice fields you cannot miss the field otherwise it is a wet and dirty landing. Of course I managed to get it into the field without a drama but it is sure intimidating if you over shoot.
I have now just come back home to make some vegemite sandwiches to cure my hunger.
Above are some pics that I managed to snap off whilst I was flying today.
Flytec Finishes

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Day 3

Gap Parameters

Day 2

Monday, April 17, 2006
Quest Day 1

Forida ridge last day
With another strong wind prediction, they set a 90kms task to the northwest with a goal at an airport near the coast. It was a difficult day and most of the decisions were all made before the start gate. Once we started on course it was pretty well down wind as we managed to work up wind for nearly two hours before the start gate. Oleg,Brett and I all started together and I tried to go a slightly different way as I knew it would be hard to catch up 100 points on Oleg if I flew with him all day.
Well it did not work out for me as I got low and they left me behind with no way to catch up before goal. Oleg will win the day followed closely by Brett and then me 10 minutes later.
Once again we were sent to one of the biggest airports around the area and they were not very happy to see us. It was like Groundhog Day all over, with a very upset airport manager we manage to talk our way out without being arrested.
Oleg moved into first and Brett in second with Curt slipping to third and me in fourth.
We wait for the presentation only to receive a hat and some speed sleeves..
We all make the 3-hour drive back up to Quest and arrive there by midnight.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Day 4, 5,6
Well I would love to bring you guys some more flying stories , however it just seems that the sky gods are against us this week.
We have not flown now since saturday so they have decided to extend the comp one more day to try and validate the U.S nationals. As I write this it is midnight and I am up at Quest air trying to decide whether I need to wake up at 6 am to make the good 3 hr drive back down to Florida Ridge for the last day of the comp. If the weather looks windy in the morning I might just take the gamble and stay here and fly and tune my glider for the next upcoming comp here.
Brett and I just put Chris smiths glider together for him, Then went for some thai dinner at the thai nazi's resturant close by to Quest. After that we decide to make the 1 hr drive back to Orlando to pick Chris up from the airport and bring him to Quest.
Well I think it is bedtime for me here on this side of the world.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter over there in the centre of the universe.
Day 3
Today was looking even windier than yesterday with the prediction for it to decrease later in the day. We had the pilot briefing and they decided to wait until 11am and check the winds and go from there.
Well they were wrong it actually picked up to 20-30 knts so yet another day was cancelled.
A bunch of us decided to go canoeing through the everglades and check out the alligators that Florida is well known for. We drove about 40 minutes to a small town that had a river well actually a creek, as it was so dry here this year there was not much water in it. That did not stop the thrill-seeking pilots from exploring though as most of us wanted to see the alligators up close and personal.
We all boarded our plastic canoes and entered the waters of the unknown and paddled down stream in search of alligators. We saw about 5 alligators in our travels and I was a little scared but they were only about 4-6ft long not enough to eat you but enough to finish your Hang gliding carer
Day 2
Well as I wake up I look out the window to see dark low-level clouds blowing quickly past us. After some breakfast we head over to the pilot briefing to find out that we would not be flying due to over development and low cloud base.
There was some quick discussion about what formulas to use for the scoring and it was decided that we would be reducing the nominal distance to 50 miles and the nominal time to 2 hrs.
Not much else happened during the day just laid around doing very little. We went shopping in the afternoon and had a Mexican dinner party at our cabin telling stories and talking about the usual things Hang Gliding.
Curt Warren wins the first day followed by Oleg then Raul from Ecuador and I will end up coming in 4th for the day.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Day 1 Florida Ridge
Well as the weather prediction was not so great Oleg, Jamie and I decided to stay at Quest and drive down to Forida ridge in the morning. We woke up at 6am for the 4hr journey south into the everglades and Gator country. When we arrived at 10am everyone was setup and they had already a task of 122kms set on the board with the window opening at 12 noon.
Oleg and I quickly setup and registered, as there was not much time to muck around. The winds were already quite strong from the south and predicted to get even stronger and swing more west as the day went on.
Everyone quickly moved over to the other side of the field for staging and assessed the weather conditions. As this was my first time here I was kind of watching the others to see what they would do. I thought the weather would get better and that the last start would be the one to take however it turned out to be the opposite.
The line up for launch looked more like 20 pilots line dancing with a lot of confusing as there was no real line up and priority. There was some amazing stunt work by Bobby and Rhett as they maneuvered the dragonfly’s to land as close as they could to the launch line. It was some of the most amazing flying skills I have seen these guys do just to get us up in the air as fast as possible. I eventually got airborne behind Rhett and towed to 2,000ft asl before releasing into a 100 up. Brett and Dustin joined me as we climbed to 3,000 ft we were now down wind of the field and drifting quickly as it was 20 knots plus of wind. I tried to push crosswind to get a little upwind of course line before the start as we still had nearly 20 minutes to wait and 10kms to fly. Dustin decided to go downwind for a cloud and join the others and Brett and I just drifted in zero waiting for the start to tick over. We ended up being a lot lower than the others who started at 1:30pm and were instantly 10 minutes behind having to struggle in light lift after the start. I watched Oleg and a few rigids disappear into the distance towards the first turn point.
I was now flying with Brett and Davis and we soon found a good climb about 25kms out from the turn point and I could now see Oleg some 10kms in front and high. We joined up with Dustin at the turnpoint and I had now lost sight of the leaders again. I decided to go more south into the blue as there was still like 50 degrees crosswind for our next 25km leg. Brett and Davis went more straight under the some clouds and were now climbing good downwind of me. I held my line and hit one low which took me back up to 4,700 ft the highest I had been all day, this set me up good for the turn point. Brett and Davis were in front of me low as I rounded the second turn point still high.
I went more upwind again to the west as we still had 50kms to goal with still a strong crosswind component. Dustin followed me and we had a pretty good run until about 15kms out from goal we got a little low and I hit some lift and stopped, Dustin kept going and soon found himself standing on the ground in the strong 25knot wind. I left for final glide over the intimidating trees just before goal knowing there must be a landing there somewhere. As I got closer I spotted a field of gliders and started to stuff the bar as I was going to get there high and look stupid. When I was about 3kms out I realized that they had actually landed about 1.5 kms before the goal and I actually had to cross another group of trees to an airstrip that would be far from ideal for landing on a day where the wind was so strong. I was not left with much choice, as I did not have enough height to fly back to where the others had landed. I set up to land cross to the strip as this was the wind direction not leaving much room for error. This was one of those landings where you are at the mercy of the gods and really to in control. I used all my piloting skills to control my glider through the rotor zone behind the 100 ft high trees and into ground effect before pulling up about 10 meters before the tree line. When I hit the ground I could not believe I was standing there holding my glider on my feet.
I started walking my glider out of the airstrip towards the landowner’s house before being flipped upside down by the rotor. As I got near the house I could see them out side watching Brett land on the other side of the trees in the big field with everyone else. I thought wow these people must be into flying after all they live on the airstrip and I started to notice a shady area out of the wind on green grass just in front of their house thinking this could be a reward for having to land in such a shitty area. As I approached the house in my flying gear carrying my glider I see them peek through the window then they came outside with broomsticks in their hands. Interesting the wife quickly says to me “where did you land” I said over on the airstrip. She quickly replied as she lifted the broom over her shoulder you get out of here now and go where the others are. Wow this was not quite the reply I was expecting so my dream of packing up on their front lawn was obviously was now out of the question and I continue walking out their front gate. She went back inside and then came out with a camera and began taking pictures of me as I was on their private property. I found another area about 50 meters from the others with green grass and shade now on the main road so I decided to pack up there.
They jumped into their car and raced out of the driveway towards me so I hid in the bush, they stopped at my glider took a few more pics then continued down the road to all the others.
I packed up as fast as I could in the 25knt wind and then started walking down the road to see how the others were handling the landowner’s.
Just as I got there so did the sheriff and it took a while for us to talk our way out of trouble.
The next few days are not looking good for us as the wind is predicted to stay around.