After another late night it was time to peel th eyes open and smell the smog. I was going on a trip to see my Grandma and Uncle out in Sun City as I do not get to see them often. After another long hour in the car we arrived at my uncles house at were greeted with big smiles.

Here is my grandma and uncle with me in sunny Sun City.
We then went out for lunch at a near by mexican resturant and caught up on life as we know it. We then returned back to my uncles house where we listened to his pet bird Gus imitating things that he hears.

This is his bird Gus.
After that we went to visit Kraig at his work where he sells cars to drop off some parts before returning home and catching up on work. After a couple of hours Chris and I went out for a great Thai dinner just down the road from his house in downtown LA.
It is after midnight now and it looks like we are going to go flying tomorrow so I will try and get to sleep a little earlier tonight ready for a fly.