Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cloudbase Foundation update.

Update on the Cloudbase Foundation progress. The new non profit organization made up of all Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots is in full swing. Our first group of Board Of Directors has been busy establishing processes and procedures allowing the organization to better define projects where children are in need, organize event unity for the two sports and raise money from sources that are outside of the direct pilot community. Our 501c3 status will assist the organization in receiving funds and allow donators the proper tax credit documentation. However, this will only be the case if there are donators. We are in great need of your assistance to spread the word and to raise money. (100% of the money donated goes to the children) Please become an active part of this organization. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back in a way that makes such a huge difference for so many children. How can you help? You can help by letting any of the Board Of Directors know about your idea on how we can help children in an area that is close to where you may be flying, ask others for their donations or by being an ambassador for the organization. Please go to our website, for more information about the organization and to learn more about our latest project. Faithfully, Ricker Goldsborough / President "The CloudBase Foundation" 985-845-7901 Office 985-845-7902 Fax 985-373-7289 Cell
Monday, May 10, 2010

White Sands National Park

Today I went for a little trip out to the near by White Sands national park. It is an amzing place and full of history.
Although from the average person's eye it may just look like sand dunes that never end. The park was made from the rising heart of the Tularosa basin making it one of the world's great natural wonders.
The sand is so fine that in places it is almost like quick sand and in other places it is hard as a rock.
The wave like dunes of Gpysum sand have engulfed 275 square miles of desert creating the worlds largest gypsum dune fields.
It is amazing to see that the plants and animals have adapted to suit this ever changing environment.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Dry Canyon Flying

Well I am here in Alamogordo, New Mexico with my Grandparents and noticed this beautiful flying site.
I went to the Lz yesterday and checked it out nice green grass with a big windsock. Notice board. The launch is located just behind the house on a huge long ridge that runs out into a wide open desert valley.
Looking up towards launch from the LZ
Ive been watching dust devils ripping through everyday and can only imagine how the view is up in the sky as my hang glider is far from me.
Grandma took me up to see the space museum which is located right below launch.
Looking out into the valley from the Space Museum.
Friday, May 07, 2010

Cloudbase Foundation is Raising money.

Hey all. The Cloudbase Foundation has accepted the challenge to raise money to purchase a water tank for the children of Ghana. This is an amazing organization that raises money for children in need of help. Many of us pilots are supporting the foundation as this money is making a difference tto children around the world.
You can help by donating just a little money or stop donating to those big charities that eat all your money up in expenses without giving much away to the kids that need it. Instead you can donate to this site with great pleasure knowing the hang glider pilots with the support from you are helping the kids in this world.
Can anyone help us raise the money? Please spread the word and ask for donations. There will soon be more information on the Cloudbase Foundation site about this new project.
I will endeavor to keep you up to date with the latest projects that the foundation is helping with. This is my Cloubase foundation Sticker on my glider in Florida. The Non-Profit organization named "The CloudBase Foundation"was formed by a group of Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots to support children in the United States and around the world and wherever we fly. We encourage you to join in our efforts.501 (c) 3 certified
Monday, May 03, 2010

Photo's From flytec Race and Rally

Here is a link to a guy that was taking photo's of both ocmps here in Florida.
He did a fantastic job so check them out. HERE
Sunday, May 02, 2010

2010 Flytec Race and Rally Champions

The Rally came to an end in Moultrie, GA after not being able to fly the last day due to strong winds. We were all set to go but after a couple of scary tows by very experienced pilots the safety comittee decided to cancel the day. We then headed to a resturant and had the prize giving. After a challenging day on Day 6 I moved into the lead by 9 points over Dustin and will be the Grand Champion. Open Class Winners. Rigid Wing Champion, Ollie Gregory

2010 Flytec Race and Rally Pilots and Crew Video

2010 Flytec Race and Rally Pilots and Crew Video
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Rally Day 6 Video

Here is Day 6 video.