Cloudbase Foundation update.
Update on the Cloudbase Foundation progress.
The new non profit organization made up of all Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots is in full swing. Our first group of Board Of Directors has been busy establishing processes and procedures allowing the organization to better define projects where children are in need, organize event unity for the two sports and raise money from sources that are outside of the direct pilot community.
Our 501c3 status will assist the organization in receiving funds and allow donators the proper tax credit documentation. However, this will only be the case if there are donators. We are in great need of your assistance to spread the word and to raise money. (100% of the money donated goes to the children)
Please become an active part of this organization. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back in a way that makes such a huge difference for so many children. How can you help? You can help by letting any of the Board Of Directors know about your idea on how we can help children in an area that is close to where you may be flying, ask others for their donations or by being an ambassador for the organization.
Please go to our website, for more information about the organization and to learn more about our latest project.
Ricker Goldsborough / President
"The CloudBase Foundation"
985-845-7901 Office
985-845-7902 Fax
985-373-7289 Cell