Friday, August 08, 2008

Finally In Brazil

I arrived in Rio after spending 31 hrs in transit from Sydney via Buenos Aires. My plane was delayed so I had to spend the night well a few hours in Argentina before making the last part of my journey. My Baggage.. Needless to say I went straight to bed at 4pm and woke up at 6am this morning and put together the gliders so that I could tast fly them today. I went up the hill only to find the wind was quite strong from behind. This does not seem to stop the tandem pilots as they just wait for lulls and run off. Tandems all set and ready to go. I waited for awhile before flying and got off for a quick flight before the cold front moved in and shut the day down. Flying above Sao Conrado beach looking back towards the famous Rio Favelas. I landed and started packing up soon as the Brazilan Morning Glory was on its way.I have never seen anything like this in real life. Here is a picture of the cloud rolling in at about 50kph there were 3 sets of rolls clouds that came through with each one producing stronger winds as they moved through.