Brasilia First Flight
After getting my glider somewhat assembled Betinho,gabor and I went to take off to test out our new gliders. We set up fast as we arrived late and then waited a little bit on launch as there was very little wind and the conditions were not that inspiring. Betinho launched hit a climb right in front of launch and I quickly followed him then every one else started launching including Gabor but the thermal drifted over the back and betinho and I were the only ones that were high enough to to stay with it. The others scratched for ages and some even bombed out I was hoping that none of those pilots were gabor!! It is like a 4-5 hour retrieve if you land down below so there is a lot of pressure to get up and stay up!!
Betinho and I crossed over to the next ridge and climbed a little there then decided to stay on the plateau for safety so that we did not end up down below. We followed the main road towards the forest and I managed to get higher than betinho so I went straight across the forest trying to avoid some rain as it was over developing with lots of shade around. The next climb was slow just trying to stay in the air and betinho was a little behind me and climbed better and then came to join me. Just as he arrived the thermal kicked ans we climbed to 7700 ft and went on glide to Sobradinho where we hit a solid 600 up just in front of a cell that was about to explode. We topped right up and went on final some 18 kms out from the esplanada and made it easy just before it started raining.. We were the only two to make it there and Most pilots including gabor landed just behind launch as they all got shut down from the first cell near Brasilinha that we managed to skirt around.
It started raining here just after we packed up and rained most of the night so today we did not fly. We are about to go to betinho and carol´s little boys 1st birthday party at their house. He is cute and he is now walking and can say agua(water) inPortuguesee. Well that is about all right now, the comp starts tomorrow so I will try to get back in time and give you a report on how the Aussies went.
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