Litespeeds S Dominating Spain.
Just a current update from spain. Dave seib has just won the 2nd task as well of the Spanish Nationals flying his new litespeed s 5. Kiko 4 time Spanish champion marked Dave at the start and ended up with a higher start position. Dave dropped him just past the first turnpoint and won the day by forty minutes. It was a 93km task on the flats in blue sky – Daves specialty. Base was about 3200m and while the air was very rough and thermals inconsistent, He managed to jag a 6.5m thermal while passing low over a forest. Dave tells me that his glider is performing great and he could not be happier, he is just not sure still whether to fly the all new 4.5 or the 5 but he sounds like he is having no problems tuning into his new stock 5. There are still no results up but sounds like he is gaining a huge lead over the tough fighting spaniards. Go Aussie Go.....
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